My life has escaped my control


As usual.

Anyway, here is a quick update on the writing:

  • I am SO CLOSE to finishing Blood Song’s first edit, I can almost taste it, but I have to write two scenes and rewrite another completely and they are the MOST COMPLICATED scenes in the whole novel and it’s driving me insane. Also, google drive ate a lot of my edits on a critical scene and I amd so mad, it’s unreal. But I still refuse to pay for Word because I hate Bill Gates’ stupid ass subscription model, so, google drive until I find a better alternative I guess.
  • I went to Italy for a week because reasons. Realizations were had, but I want to let the thoughts simmer a bit more in my mind and then I’ll try to talk about the topics on a video because I’m just too exhausted of edits to type too much.
  • I am three months late on my publishing calendar. Three whole months. I can barely believe myself. But most stuff is kind of dealt with by now (paperwork hell), so it seems I’ll be able to start publishing by the end of April, god willing (please be willing, god! Please!)
  • The ending of the SoulShattered series is starting to take shape in my head. I am very happy about this because I was a bit worried about the fact that I had no idea exactly where I wanted to go. Also, because the ending is shaping out to be hella cool. Like, all around awesome. Still not writing anything down because I want the ideas to simmer around a bit more, but damn, this is looking real cool.
  • The outline for Broken Innocence was not going well. I mean, it was going well, in terms of the overal structure of the story, and it was pretty much ok, but the filler between plot arcs in the book were pretty much nonexistent which was annoying because I need to have more than like 20 scenes to complete a book. But I got fed up and decided to just start writing the damn thing, especially since I’ve spent so long in editing hell that I was getting paranoid that I’d forgotten how to write (which is a perfectly believable thing that could 100% happen to me at any moment, no joke) and just wanted to test out the ideas I had for the prologue. Well, it turns out that I HAVEN’T forgotten how to write and actually the story is flowing surprisingly well. Real nice. I also got more insight into one of the main characters that I was afraid was going to end up being pretty bland but I’m starting to really like. I got about 4k words since yesterday, mainly because I’m jumping between Broken Innocence and the edits for Blood Song
  • My whole village was kind of on fire for several days before I went to Italy, while I was in Italy, and after I returned to Italy. It was kind of surreal. Nothing to do with the writing, but it’s such a crazy thing to wake up to the smell of smoke everywhere that I just have to mention it.
  • The outline for Evening Star (Morning Star? Have I decided on the change? Can’t remember…) is still basically nonexistent. I have the ending, I have several final scenes for the character arcs for everyone (except for Nate and Jim, who are getting their own novella after Evening Star because I love them) but aside from that I have nothing. Absolutely nothing. Not even 20 scenes like I do for Broken Innocence. I do not know how I’m going to finish the book by the deadline and I’m a bit scared
  • I’ve been feeling kind of down about how talentless I am when it comes to (basically everything, but especially) writing. Like, I really do not progress very fast. If writing wasn’t what I do basically 24/7 even while not getting paid or getting any kind of recognition for it I would definitely quit because I just have no talent at all. But I’m never going to stop writing, whether I suck or not, so it’s not like dwelling on it is gonna make any difference. Still, it’s a shitty feeling when I remember it. Maybe I’ll try and make a video.

Here’s a picture of one of the hills like a few blocks from my house burning away when I got back from the airport a while ago. It was wack.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Stay tuned for more updates!

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