I hate past!me

I’m gonna take full advantage of the fact that no one knows of this blog to show a screenshot of my editing of SoulShattered Zero because damn, if I could time travel I would punch my past self in the face

Could I have taken twenty extra minutes to write down what the hell I thought should happen here? Yes

Did I do it? No

And now I have no idea what calculations he was supposed to make or how the hell I was going to explain it!

See, this is why when some arrogant jackass takes pride in being called a ‘writer’ or a ‘novelist’ I am immediately suspicious of them. Because I know what being a novelist entails, and it entails this nonsense.

Anyway, I can’t wait until I publish this. It was supposed to be a 20k reader magnet to draw in people to SoulShattered One but now it’s taken a life of its own and become a 90k monster.

Like, I love it but when am I going to be done with it?

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