Chugging along
Today was a bit of difficult day because my health hasn’t been the best, but thankfully I have managed to keep doing a few things here and there. Finishing up stuff for the job, and also for the publishing house side of things, organizing book covers, testing ideas for promotional materials, and brainstorming release schedules.
God, I can’t believe that I’m actually starting a publishing house, it’s so insane.
Before the year is over, I do want to do a post that is a bit of an overview for the past year. I feel like it was one of the wildest years of my life. But also, because so much happened this year, I have kind of forgotten about a lot of it. I am literally a completely different person just through everything that happened. And actually none of it was bad, it was all just improvements and improvements on my life, but just the sheer fact of how much happened stressed me out a ridiculous amount.
It’s gonna be hella fun when I do that retrospective, for sure.
IF I can find the time to actually do the thing.
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